Seriously these are two of my very, most favorite people in the entire world!! I think honestly I was just as excited as they were when they got engaged at Epcot in Disney World. Danielle and I have been BEST friends since we were born, our Mom's were best friends growing up and then they got pregnant at the same time and had us:) I can't say enough good things about her, I mean she is an amazing mother to my perfect little guy Tristan, an awesome hair stylist, she gives it to me straight and knows just what to say whenever I need to talk, and she is gorgeous. She is my family and now Joe will inherit me as well:) I always told Danielle she would find the perfect friend and love of her life and she absolutely did. Joe is the whole package (kind of like Michael ;) and he loves her with everything he has. I am so happy for them I could cry. I love you guys and can't wait to be the maid of honor at your wedding.

So we shot all of these photos at the Columbus Conservatory and they have the most amazing glass art work by Chihuly.

Beautiful Kris