Meet my cousin Kelly and her fiance Joe! Kelly is by far the sweetest person in the world and Joe couldn't be luckier to have snagged her ;) We ventured out on a FREEZING day but I think the day and landscape nailed the shoot.
Love these faces!
seriously Kelly you look gorgeous here!
Ooh La La
Congrats you guys I can't wait for the wedding:)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Introducing Miss Lucy Pea Nelson! What a gorgeous baby!! This little bundle was born Jan.24 at 4:59 and she weighed 7lbs1oz. Congratulations Adam and Nicole:)
The beautiful family minus the big brother who hasn't been to see his big sister yet.
This baby loves her Daddy's voice and couldn't take her eyes off of him.
Absolutely precious
She was this alert the entire time and didn't cry a bit
She has him wrapped around her finger already
visiting with one of her grandmas
and I think this is the favorite uncle or it could have been the other uncle ;)
Happy Birthday Lucy!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Well I bet this baby looks familiar:) Evan just turned 4 months and all I could say the whole time I took these photos was how adorable he is!
Let's not forget big sister Kendall!
Oh my goodness I couldn't resist it was the cutest crack!