Just look at how grown up this little man is.....you may remember Tristan from prior posts like this. Well now he is 2 and sweeter than ever. Be prepared for a long post because I had a hard time choosing!
This is his Mom and Dad, who absolutely admire his every move.
Yep that's baby Lyla, you might remember her birth. Well now she is 4 months and quite possibly the happiest baby alive:) We had to capture this time because of how filled out she has become, so her Mom and Dad never forget her perfect plumpness.
Here she is with her big sisters Alli and Scarlett. I have to say I just LOVE these little girls!
Meet Hallie. Born: 12/14/11 She is little sister to Hannah and second daughter to Brian and Jill. I have known Jill since we were in the 6th grade and it is so awesome to see her family grow. She is such a wonderful mother and so driven in life, I couldn't be more proud to call her my friend:)
Sister toes
Here is the beautiful older sister Hannah, she is the sweetest little girl ever:)